Welcome to the Challenge Day 11. OK- one of the biggest mistakes speakers make is omitting the importance of creating a ‘signature system’. No matter how inspiring or entertaining your story is, you’ll always be trapped as a fee for speech speaker with no passive income unless you take your knowledge and experience and […]
Speaker’s 14-Day Challenge: Day 10 – How to do webinars
Welcome to the Challenge Day 10. This is one of my absolute favourite strategies for new speakers and professionals alike. Webinars are seriously under-utilised. And they can make serious money. In this video I discuss: 5 reasons you should start using webinars immediately How one of my students attended Presentation Secrets and made $36,000 a […]
Speaker’s 14-Day Challenge: Day 7- Building a List
Speaker’s 14-Day Challenge: Day 3 Clarity on Your Message
Speaker’s 14-Day Challenge: Day 2 with Joanna Martin
Day#2 of Speaker’s 14-Day Challenge! I’ve been reviewing some presentations for one of my 1-1 clients over the last couple of days (these are the guys that pay me AUD$15,000/ GBP £7500 a day for input). And do you know what I’m noticing. What holds these talented and successful speakers back is exactly the […]
How to reduce the number of unsubscribers from your email list
In any business your database or list of subscribers is one of your most valuable assets – you’ve added your sign up box to your website (haven’t you?) you’re sending out regular newsletters of tasty tidbits of content and you are monitoring your email newsletter reports to keep track of your open rates. But then […]