Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Thought Leaders, Charitable Organisations,
Heart-Centred Entrepreneurs & Difference Makers…
Discover the secrets to effective and profitable presentations… so you too can get more clients, INCREASE YOUR IMPACT AND MAKE A BIGGER DIFFERENCE
Live On Stage: Join author of “The Presentation Profits Blueprint” renowned visionary, coach and catalyst Dr Joanna Martin. Joanna’s message and work have directly impacted over 70,000 people on 4 different continents, and you are invited to join her live in London.
At this 1-day live event she will share the 4 and ½ key secrets you can apply to your business to rapidly increase your impact and presentation effectiveness.
You’re probably here because you are great at what you do. Your work truly helps people. But you know you could be making a bigger difference. And you really ought to be seeing better results, right?
You may be already delivering presentations, or perhaps you’re still thinking about sharing your message to many. Either way you know that you want every presentation to count. To wow your audience, and help your organisation to grow.
Then this is one training event you won’t want to miss.
You’ve probably heard about Joanna Martin’s reputation as an effective and powerful speaker with uncompromising integrity (if not you won’t have to look far to find someone who has experienced it first hand).
At Presentation Secrets, she will take you behind the scenes of her own global success and share with you the secrets she shares with change makers and industry luminaries all over the world.
And, here’s the best bit - she’ll show you how to do all this without being too “salesy”, too OTT, or being somebody you’re not…
The truth is, it is possible to present, and even sell or fundraise from stage without having to compromise your values or your integrity.
So, if you want to learn the art of an effective presentation, and you want to reach thousands more people with your message, then Joanna Martin is the person to show you.
Best Part: You won’t have to spend a small fortune to secure a seat at this event. Just £67 will secure you a place and you’ll get a huge amount of content and value.
The last time we ran this event, our server crashed due to demand! This time round we expect just as much anticipation, we recommend you reserve your place as soon as possible. (today!)
Even Better Part: You don’t have to risk anything. Your attendance at this event is covered by our “We believe in you 100% guarantee”. If you don’t love our no fluff, no filling, take -it –home- and- apply- straight- away- content, we’ll give you your money back. We’ll believe in you until you’re ready to believe in yourself. We’re just that kind of company!

From the Founder of Shift Speaker Training, Dr Joanna Martin:
Dear Difference Maker,
If you just give me 1 day, a mere 8 hours of your time, I will show you how you can increase the impact of every presentation you deliver.
It doesn’t matter what business you are in, you could be an accountant, a landscape gardener, or work in the wellness industry. You will discover how to to become a sought after leader in your field.
And if you want to make a bigger difference, be in it your local community or on the world stage - then mastering the art of an effective presentation is the best way to inspire, influence and impact your audience.
But that’s just a fraction of what you’re going to take away.
This 1-day event will also guide you step-by-step on how to create your own Elegant Business Model so you can STOP trading your time for money and START living the Lifestyle you’ve been dreaming about for years.
And you’re going to do all this in a way which is authentic, genuine and has a no nonsense attitude.
Consider this:
- If you are a public speaker or trainer and you want to increase your income dramatically by turning more presentations into more business…
- If you are a coach or consultant who recognises the only way to stand out among the hordes of other coaches and consultants is to be seen as the genuine, authentic leader in your field.
- If you are a business owner or entrepreneur looking for an accelerated way to grow your list (or community) without all the time and expense.
- If you have been to a seminar in the past and thought “I could do that!”
- If you are a teleseminar host or you sell your products or services over the phone or webinar and want a consistently high conversion rate…
- If you are an author and you want to sell more books. But not just that- you’re smart enough to see the book alone won’t make you rich, and you want to build an Elegant Business Model into your business to make you massive, passive income from your efforts…
- If you are a mum-preneur who wants to create the perfect time/work balance for your family.
- If you want to do more good in the world, influence and impact more people, make a bigger difference, be a change-maker…
- If want to seriously improve your communication and presentation skills so that every time you open your mouth you get more clients…
…and you want to achieve all that without any funny gimmicks, dodgy underhand sales tactics or in a way that makes you feel out of integrity then dance a happy dance, because you are closer to achieving those goals than you think. And in a minute you’ll see why.
"You Uncover Your Own Unique Style"
“After I wrote my first book, I found myself in a situation where I was being asked to speak, and sell from the platform - something I had never had any training in. Sure I had done a lot of keynote speaking before, but this was totally different. Jo was introduced to me by a mutual friend as the “go-to person” on the business of speaking and I now know why.
You see, thing with me is that I didn’t just want to be able to speak or sell from the stage successfully, I wanted to do so being authentically me. That’s Jo’s genius; helping you to uncover your own unique style, and use it authentically and powerfully to attract new business. She’s not about tricks, tactics or having you become a “mini-Jo” or a “mini-anyone-else” for that matter. It’s about being the best version of you on stage so that you connect with the audience in a way you never thought possible. She has a simple, easy to implement system that works no matter what your background.
So when I had my first gig in front of 3000 people recently, it was Jo I asked to review my presentation and offer so that I could make sure I didn’t mess up such an incredible opportunity – and I’m glad to say I didn’t! Due in no small part to Jo’s advice, I made over £179,640 in 60 minutes!
Now it’s not just the big events where Jo’s techniques work. It’s just as useful for a 15minute power talk at a networking group- which is why whenever anyone asks me for the best speaker trainer I know, I always send them Jo’s way. Get to this event!”
Shaa Wasmund, MBE
Author. Speaker. Entrepreneur.
London UK