Selling From Stage | Using Scare(c)e Tactics To Increase Your Sales

By Joanna Martin If your amazing presentation and no-brainer offer doesn’t see a crowd rushing to buy from you… what other ways can you invite your audience to take immediate action when you are selling from stage? The answer is to use scarcity… the art of inviting quick action by offering additional bonuses or special […]

Selling From Stage | Upsell, Downsell

By Joanna Martin I’d like to ask you a question… when you are selling from stage, do you have alternative products available… at premium and entry level price points? Are you making it easy for your customers to buy if your first offer isn’t quite right for them at this time? Think about this for […]

Selling From Stage | What You Don’t Say Matters Too!

When you are selling from stage, it is really vital to understand that the audience is not just listening to what you say or watching your slides… they will also be observing you very closely. Your image, your body language and stance will all be assessed before you even say your first word… so today […]

Blah, Blah, Blah . . . What’s In YOUR Head When You’re Up On Stage?

If you’ve done a number of presentations, you will have had the experience of delivering your well-designed “speech” to a few different crowds. But one thing I have noticed with speakers time and time again is that when they are actually on stage, sometimes their focus is on the wrong place.

Sales Presentation: The 7 Key Presentation Elements

There are 7 Key Elements to a Profitable Sales Presentation. These 7 Keys are spelled out here assuming you will make a sale at the end of your presentation. But these same 7 Key Elements are will work even if you are not closing a sale.