Customer Service Wow
To have a speaking business without a solid customer service focus will prove fatal. Without customers you don’t have a business If you already care about people, then you need to have in place a system where you are always striving to make an awesome experience every time you have contact with your customers. It […]
Invest in Yourself
The Client Appreciation Night
This is a simple, fool-proof way to build your list and make sales. The biggest mistake that most people make is looking outside of their business for profit making. Your current customers will buy again and again if you give them the chance. One Simple Strategy to Boost Your Profits this Month Host your own […]
Use Celebrity
7 Simple Steps To An Effective Presentation
There are two key ingredients essential to getting big money from stage results: the first is your passion for your products and services. The second is your sales presentation. If you don’t love what you sell, the first thing I suggest is to find something to sell that you love, because otherwise your audience will […]