When you are just one amongst very few you can command a far higher price for the service you provide. The more specialist you become, the higher your premium. Think about narrowing down your topic. Or – Narrowing down your niche.
Raise Your Game In 3 Steps
Here’s 3 HUGE impossible to ignore reasons why all magnificent speakers spend time sharpening the saw. Raise Your GameIt doesn’t matter what level you are currently playing; there is always a bigger game to play. So wherever you are at in your speaking business, what is the next level for you? Is it simply standing […]
Good Order Form Structure
How to Build Your Email List
Have an Opt-In page. Ensure you have something that is good value to give away for free in return for people’s email address. Send traffic to the Opt-In page. Use social media such as facebook and twitter. Keep active by updating your blog, tweeting, or posting on facebook at least every day or two. Maintain […]
4 Common Fears Around Selling From Stage And How To Overcome Them
The Secrets of Business and Language
How is Business like Learning a Language? No it’s not a riddle – there are three basic steps… There are phases you pass through when learning business, just like learning a language. Being successful in business is really as simple as learning the language of business. First you need to get the basics and learn […]