To keep your business moving forward and making money, you want to be creating products. Whether they’re physical or virtual products, you create new content to suit your customer need. Your Elegant Business Model will enable your business to evolve; leveraging your time, and getting you out of the “time for money trap”, but are […]
7 Steps To Help Your Business Stand Out From The Crowd
Starting a business is relatively easy. You know what you want to provide, you plan it out and you start advertising and selling. Staying in business however, is that much harder. It can be really difficult to be heard above the noise of your competitors. Everyone seems to be shouting their wares… and potential customers […]
Is Your Ego Getting In The Way Of Your Business Success?
Boost Your Productivity By Starting Your Day In The Right Way
Do you get halfway through your day and feel as though it is going downhill? Maybe you feel as though your day started badly and just got progressively worse… you’re playing catch up and constantly running behind? You can blame this on those things that have happened during your day, your mood or even your […]
Keep the Focus Short to Get More Things Done
It’s easy to get stuck and de-motivated when you are snowed under with work. There’s a mountain of things that need doing and they are all begging for your attention… and then there’s the family too. How can you keep your focus and motivation high? James is currently teething. Anyone who has had a young […]
The Importance Of Your Thank You Page
You work hard to promote your business and make those sales, but what happens after the sale? Do you leave your customer with the satisfaction of just purchasing from you, or are you taking the opportunity to continue building on your relationship? You’ve asked for the sale… but did you remember to say thank you […]