Your Powerful Voice

You’ve got a message to share with the world… and you were put on this world to make your difference. And if you want to create change in others, you’ve got to get your message heard. Your voice is a powerful tool… and it’s been said that over a third of your outcome depends on […]

Speaker’s 14-Day Challenge: Day 11 – Create Your Signature System

  Welcome to the Challenge Day 11. OK- one of the biggest mistakes speakers make is omitting the importance of creating a ‘signature system’.  No matter how inspiring or entertaining your story is, you’ll always be trapped as a fee for speech speaker with no passive income unless you take your knowledge and experience and […]

Speaker’s 14-Day Challenge: Day 4- Getting Speaking Engagements

Welcome to the Challenge Day 4! Here we are at day 4, and the participation is extraordinary.  Thanks for the wonderful comments you’re leaving.  It makes it exciting for me to pop in and film each day’s video when I know I’m “lighting a fire in your belly” as Dawn Fry so beautifully put it. […]

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Public Speakers Make . . . And How YOU Can Avoid Them!

Your message alone is not enough to inspire people to buy your products and services. Not giving a sales pitch to your audience is doing them a disservice. In order to make a real difference in someone’s life, you must give them the opportunity for an ongoing education. If they don’t buy from you, they’ll buy from someone else.

Public Speaking: The Top 5 Benefits Of Speaking In Public

There are so many benefits to becoming a speaker – for your business, your bank balance, for your lifestyle AND for your own personal confidence – I can’t even cover them all in one mere blog post so I’ve highlighted the top 5 for you!

4 Tips for Public Speaking: Why Feedback Is So Important To Your Sales

One of the best public speaking tips I can give you is this always seek feedback!

Remember, when you’re speaking in public, either on stage or during a presentation, the aim is to not just to educate but also to leverage your time and bring in extra sales for your business. Selling 1:100 is much more powerful than selling 1:1 . . .which is why getting feedback on your performance can make all the difference to your bottom line profits.