4 Tips for Public Speaking: Why Feedback Is So Important To Your Sales

One of the best public speaking tips I can give you is this always seek feedback!

Remember, when you’re speaking in public, either on stage or during a presentation, the aim is to not just to educate but also to leverage your time and bring in extra sales for your business. Selling 1:100 is much more powerful than selling 1:1 . . .which is why getting feedback on your performance can make all the difference to your bottom line profits.

Is Selling From Stage Still Acceptable In 2014?

This week I received a great question from someone in my community. As it’s relevant to everyone who presents, I thought I’d share the question and my response with you here… “I did your course 3 years ago and initially had some success with following your 4 permissions and making an offer from stage. Recently […]

The 3 Secret Steps That Ensure Selling Success

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘selling’? To the vast majority of us, the word ‘selling’ tends to immediately lead us to think of negative associations, such as stress, anxiety, pushiness and pressure. The problem is we all know that in order to succeed in business we need to be able […]

Your Powerful Voice

You’ve got a message to share with the world… and you were put on this world to make your difference. And if you want to create change in others, you’ve got to get your message heard. Your voice is a powerful tool… and it’s been said that over a third of your outcome depends on […]

4 Tips for Public Speaking: Why Feedback Is So Important To Your Sales

One of the best public speaking tips I can give you is this always seek feedback!

Remember, when you’re speaking in public, either on stage or during a presentation, the aim is to not just to educate but also to leverage your time and bring in extra sales for your business. Selling 1:100 is much more powerful than selling 1:1 . . .which is why getting feedback on your performance can make all the difference to your bottom line profits.