Happy Christmas!!

Happy Christmas! It’s that time of the year when unless we bring ourselves back to the present, it’s easy to get swept away in the busy-ness and the planning of the perfect holiday season.  Remember – this is a perfect opportunity to be present to what’s occurring in your life- and grateful.  So as you’re […]

Tips On Public Speaking – How To Break The Ice!

In any form of public speaking at a live event you will want to spend time warming up the room. These are what we commonly call ‘icebreaker activities’. There are various reasons for icebreakers but the most obvious is because you want to get the audience on your side and loosen them up a bit. […]

4 Common Myths Around Speaking From Stage

Wowsers. I just realised this morning that I’ve been speaking from stage for around 10 years now! Apart from making me feel quite old it also reinforces just how much experience I’ve had on the speaking circuit . . . I’ve spoken on other people’s stages, I’ve run my own highly successful events, I’ve even […]

The Secret of Success Stories In Your Presentation

There’s nothing more influential than hearing how someone else has become successful to inspire people to action during your presentation. If you had to include ONE presentation skill into your next presentation, make it this one! The key benefits of using success stories are: They hammer home your credibility. They convince your audience that you […]

How To Use Public Speaking To Create Sales

Did you know the one secret ingredient that can make or break an effective and profitable presentation? Luckily it’s an ingredient all of us have but sadly not of all us use effectively. What is that ingredient?! It’s your voice! Take a moment now to recognize the power that your voice has to impact another […]

Presentation Skills: Using statistics to prove your points

I believe that one of the best presentation skills you can have is the ability to deliver “effective presentations”. These are the kind of presentation that don’t just inform, but involve, inspire and move people to action. A core part of moving people to action is that you have to prove and back up your […]