It is a challenge attracting traffic to your blog posts. You spend time putting out well written posts, then feel disappointed if your analytics show you that hardly anyone is reading them.
I’ve discovered that there’s a certain type of blog post that often attracts a LOT more traffic.
So today, I want to share with you how you can start getting your blogs read by more people when you create list posts.
Why are lists so popular?
#1: Stand out in a crowd

When you search for answers to a question, you’re looking for answers to a SPECIFIC question.
So, let’s say you’re looking for the answer to the question “how do I write blog posts that attract traffic?”
If you came across a blog post in the search results with the title “6 types of blog posts that attract a flood of traffic to your site”
I’m guessing you’d click on that blog post… right?
So that’s my first tip for you…
In your blog title and meta data, make sure you use the words that your customers are SEARCHING for… not big ol’ fancy words that nobody ever uses, let alone searches
That’ll get your blog post found… and get it noticed amongst the other results.
You with me so far?
#2: The list
By creating lists, you’re offering multiple solutions to one question. But you could break this one list down into even more blog posts if you focus on different angles for the list.

So for example; as well as the 6 types of blog that attract a flood of traffic, you could also have;
- 6 on page SEO strategies to attract a flood of traffic to your blog
- The 5 most popular health topics for blog posts
- 4 strategies for getting your blog posts RT’d in Twitter
Do you see…? It’s the same topic but covered from separate angles?
#3: People Lists
Creating a blog post that includes a list of people is another way of getting good numbers of social shares too… meaning more people get to see your post.

An example of this would be a personal opinion post such as “Top 10 influencers in the women’s health niche” in which you share how the influencers have inspired you.
When you promote this post on your social media accounts, share the link with each influencer mentioned in the post individually, explaining that they inspired you. You may find that they share your post with their followers… and it may get shared again by their followers too.
#4: Stay on topic
Stick with what you know though. There’s no benefit to you in attracting a ton of traffic to a blog post you’ve written about women’s’ health if your niche is guys for example.
You won’t have any credibility with a female audience, and the readers you do attract aren’t going to be interested in what you have to offer.
So, my invitation to you this week is to put some thought into how you can introduce relevant list style blog posts into your blogging activity. I recommend you also check out this post that I wrote for my Shift Lifestyle community last week which explains why opinion posts and negative headlines are another great blogging tactic for getting noticed.
What are your thoughts? Will you be writing list posts? Are you more likely to click on a list post when it appears in search results? Please do leave me a comment in the box below.
Hi Jo, thank you for these tips. I have always found it super helpful to build attention to my website by creating a titles which encourage curiosity and the emotional desire for the reader want to find out more.
To help achieve this I created an email account for the purpose of signing up to around 10-15 websites which related to my niche and highlighted the email titles that inspired me the most Paul : ) It’s good practice to devise good titles. So I recommend anyone who is a new to blogging to aim to create at least 25 good titles for potential blog posts in advance and ask their friends for feedback on which 5 encourage them the most and why. Nice once Jo
Hi Paul,
Thank you so much for your comment.
I’m so glad that you find this article helpful for you.
Keep on checking! 🙂