If you are like most business owners, this is a question you will ask yourself at least once. Should you attempt to head off time wasters by informing your site visitors of their investment upfront… or is it preferable to tackle the financial stuff only when you’ve had the opportunity to talk with them?
Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple yes or no response to this question… it isn’t quite that straightforward.
It largely depends on whether you are marketing products or services.
In this blog I’ll discuss the differences, so you can make an informed decision as to which is the right pricing strategy for you.
Marketing your services:

As a Coach, Trainer or Consultant, making your offer all about the pricing will only succeed in seeing you viewed as a commodity… rather than an expert who adds value to your clients.
By revealing the price of your services to your site visitors, you will put the cost into the forefront of their mind. They won’t be easily convinced of the value of what you offer, if in their head, all they can hear is “how much??!”
However, during a conversation with your prospect, you can discuss their individual situation, unearth the pain they are suffering and build up their “want”. Once you have got to the root of the emotional pain… when they are really feeling the excitement around the results they can expect, the cost won’t be such a big issue.
Because the price is only too expensive if they can’t see the value… if they know they really want to work with you because they’re going to see such great results, they will commit to taking the next step.
Marketing your products:

When you’re marketing products, showing the price on your website enables the visitor to take immediate action to purchase.
The copy on your website will cover off all the benefits of buying your program or event… drive up the value so the logical next step for them is to purchase.
Even when you are marketing your big pack, where pricing may well be at a premium level, and prospective clients may still prefer to discuss their purchase with you, I would still recommend you display the price on your website.
The real difference between marketing your products and services is that your programs and events will have a fixed price. That is, everyone will pay the same purchase price (early-bird and time-limited offers aside)
When you are discussing your consulting services, each prospect will have different needs and requirements… so your prices will vary as your contract will be bespoke.
Are you a Coach, Trainer or Consultant who is showing prices on your website? Have you found this strategy to be a winner in attracting new clients… or are you regularly challenged on your pricing?
If you are struggling to attract new clients and your website does show your pricing, consider removing them to test if this results in an increase in interest.
In my Silver Mentoring Program, I show you how… and support you in every step of your journey… for less than a cup of coffee each day!
Stop chasing clients…
Check out my Silver Mentoring Program here
Yes, it’s a tricky one. As a consumer myself I don’t always recognise the value of the service until somewhere down the line. I’ve recently bought a number of developmental products/services and it takes a while to grasp the true subtleties of everything. I have had my prices on the web site, occasionally I’ll be asked for a discount (and that’s ok, people are allowed to negotiate), just as I’m allowed to make special offers. My new format for the New Year will not be to price on line my implementation services. Regards Vince