The Importance Of Your Thank You Page

You work hard to promote your business and make those sales, but what happens after the sale? Do you leave your customer with the satisfaction of just purchasing from you, or are you taking the opportunity to continue building on your relationship? You’ve asked for the sale… but did you remember to say thank you […]

The 3 Secret Steps That Ensure Selling Success

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘selling’? To the vast majority of us, the word ‘selling’ tends to immediately lead us to think of negative associations, such as stress, anxiety, pushiness and pressure. The problem is we all know that in order to succeed in business we need to be able […]

Selling From Stage | Using Scare(c)e Tactics To Increase Your Sales

By Joanna Martin If your amazing presentation and no-brainer offer doesn’t see a crowd rushing to buy from you… what other ways can you invite your audience to take immediate action when you are selling from stage? The answer is to use scarcity… the art of inviting quick action by offering additional bonuses or special […]

Growing Your Business | Marketing With Affiliates

By Joanna Martin Speaking from stage is the most effective way to attract new clients but no matter how large the audiences, there is a limited amount of people you can reach…you create your elegant business model by identifying ways you can generate income 24 hours per day… without you needing to be involved in […]