4 Fairytale Myths Around Speaking From Stage

Once upon a time there was a talented and hard-working (and very beautiful!) coach who was passionate about helping normal, everyday people realise their dreams. She worked with her clients from dawn to dusk to help them be bolder in their lives and often to a lot of success. Then one day she woke up […]

Presentation Skills: Using statistics to prove your points

I believe that one of the best presentation skills you can have is the ability to deliver “effective presentations”. These are the kind of presentation that don’t just inform, but involve, inspire and move people to action. A core part of moving people to action is that you have to prove and back up your […]

The Importance Of Passion In Selling

When I am stood up on stage I always try to speak from the heart and connect with the audience in this heart-felt way. And funnily enough, when I bring my heart into my speaking, it always follows that my sales increase!

So my number one tip to new speakers is . . . follow your passions!

4 Tips for Public Speaking: Why Feedback Is So Important To Your Sales

One of the best public speaking tips I can give you is this always seek feedback!

Remember, when you’re speaking in public, either on stage or during a presentation, the aim is to not just to educate but also to leverage your time and bring in extra sales for your business. Selling 1:100 is much more powerful than selling 1:1 . . .which is why getting feedback on your performance can make all the difference to your bottom line profits.

How To Use Public Speaking To Create Sales

Did you know the one secret ingredient that can make or break an effective and profitable presentation? Luckily it’s an ingredient all of us have but sadly not of all us use effectively. What is that ingredient?! It’s your voice! Take a moment now to recognize the power that your voice has to impact another […]

How To Use Quotes Effectively In Your Presentations

Should you use quotes in your presentation or has that been done to death? I imagine you’ve noticed that the people who deliver effective presentations will more often than not use famous quotes to get their message across. Why do they do that? Well… it’s appropriate for me to quote Sophocles here, who said “A […]