Did you know the one secret ingredient that can make or break an effective and profitable presentation?
Luckily it’s an ingredient all of us have but sadly not of all us use effectively.
What is that ingredient?!

It’s your voice!
Take a moment now to recognize the power that your voice has to impact another human being. Now take another moment to see how your voice can also help create emotional change in another human.
And what happens when we create change in another?
It can lead to transformation and as such, this can generate more sales if your product or service assists in that journey.
The 3 keys to using your voice dramatically
Creating emotion with the intention of making sales from speaking has a few key elements that cannot be missed.
These are:
- Awareness
- Intention
- Vocal strength and flexibility
- Awareness
It has been said that the words that we choose are only 7% of the message that we communicate. 38% of our message is due to our tonality, and 55% of it is due to our physiology, our physical action.
So over a third of your outcome depends on your voice.Create awareness of your own voice and use it dramatically.
Listen to how you use your voice, listen to the vocal range that you have.
Start to listen to other people’s voices, how they use them, and then start to bring awareness to the extremes that you use in your own voice. Do you have extremes or is it all flat lining?
You will make more sales from stage AND make it easier to listen to you if you can work on your voice variation.
- Set the intention
These are the intentions you will want to set if you want to make more sales from stage:
- That you will start to expand your vocal range
- You will create moods with your voice
- You will carry your confidence in your voice
- And that your voice will take people on an emotional journey.

- Vocal Strength and Flexibility
If you start to learn how to use your voice in a powerful manner, then you’ll find that it will be more powerful for longer, and you will be able to preserve and conserve your voice. You want to use your voice in such a way that it touches the hearts and minds of the people in your audience and thus create more sales from speaking.
Don’t Be Just Comfortable . . . Be Memorable!
If you’re committed to becoming, not just a profitable speaker, but also a memorable speaker, then the next step is to get masterful with your voice.
Be the sort of person that when people leave the room they continue to talk about you, not just because of your content, but because of your style, your charisma and your ability to take them on an emotional journey.
And be the sort of speaker that makes massive money from stage!
So, What’s Next?
Well, my suggestion is for you go to have a little bit of fun this week . . . and go see a high drama movie. Here’s an opportunity for you to listen to the way these highly trained actors use their voice to create mood. Notice the high, the loud, the soft, notice the pace changes, notice the volume changes.
So I want you to spend the whole time listening to people with a new intention and then see how you can utilize this in your next speaking gig to make more sales.
And remember, have fun!
Hi Joanna and team,
I went and saw American Sniper on Satruday. Not sure about voice on that one. However, what I did get was Bradley Cooper’s total commitment physically, mentally and emotionally to his character and purpose of the film. Who he was BEING had a voice that was palpable, intreuiging and compelling. As a speaker I can be doing even MORE to BE the message of what I speak about and aim to embody. Very inspiring, I’m up for the challenge.