When you are just one amongst very few you can command a far higher price for the service you provide. The more specialist you become, the higher your premium. Think about narrowing down your topic. Or – Narrowing down your niche.
Raise Your Game In 3 Steps
Here’s 3 HUGE impossible to ignore reasons why all magnificent speakers spend time sharpening the saw. Raise Your GameIt doesn’t matter what level you are currently playing; there is always a bigger game to play. So wherever you are at in your speaking business, what is the next level for you? Is it simply standing […]
The Power Of Ritual – 6 Golden Rules
I know some speakers who are extraordinarily superstitious. So how important is ritual? Ritual has its rightful place in the speaking business. Stepping onto stage requires courage, preparation and calm. So getting into the right mental and physical state becomes a ritual. Here are 6 of my rituals which I always use before I speak. […]
How to Build Your Email List
Have an Opt-In page. Ensure you have something that is good value to give away for free in return for people’s email address. Send traffic to the Opt-In page. Use social media such as facebook and twitter. Keep active by updating your blog, tweeting, or posting on facebook at least every day or two. Maintain […]
Using Jing for Virtual Office
Jing is a great little piece of software you can get from www.techsmith.com. It enables you to record what is happening on your screen and record what you are saying – at the same time. This lets you do all sorts of really useful things such as: Give feedback on website design. Record short training […]