Should You Be Using Ice Breaker Activities in Your Presentation? When you are delivering an effective presentation, you have around 30 seconds to engage your audience and capture their attention. If you miss it in the first 30 seconds, you can get it back, it just takes a whole lot longer! And it’s hard […]
Speakers Tips for Using Powerpoint Effectively
Here are my tips for using powerpoint in a effective way for your presentations: Keep your slides simple. There is no need to use different fonts and animations. Have only 4-5 points to a slide as a maximum. Use a plain white background with black text. Use only relevant images that evoke emotion, which allows […]
Free Webinar Series: The ABCs of Increasing Your Income From Speaking
Attention: Coaches, Consultants, Authors, Speakers, and Other Solo-preneurs Register Now for this FREE Webinar Series where I will reveal how I started with absolutely no database, and grew a successful 7 figure speaking business in my first year “The ABCs of Growing Your Business Through Speaking” Join me on these webinars, where I will reveal […]