As a speaker, the success of your gig doesn’t just come down to your presentation… the audience experience begins before you even step on the stage!
So, when you’re planning your event, don’t forget to also give consideration to who will be introducing you… your MC… what they say matters too! Although introducing a speaker seems very simple and
straightforward, there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye.
Why you need a rockstar intro!
There are three main reasons why you need a great MC. The first is to grab the audience’s
attention, the second is to entice the audience to pay attention, and the third is to build up your credibility in advance of your entrance.

My top tips for ensuring your MC does your event justice;
Audience profiling:
It’s their job to pull the audience together to be
present and focused… make sure your MC is alert to the profile of the people in
the room.
Audience engagement:
Your MC should build up your awesomeness. You want your
audience to be feeling very blessed to have you on stage in front of them.
They also need to build rapport with your audience to ensure they have their full
attention… to let them know what’s coming up why they really need to pay attention and stay focused.
Who are they?
Before they begin introducing you, it’s important that they tell people who they are too… and why they’re up on the stage.
Please welcome….?
It sounds obvious but make sure they know your name… and how it is pronounced. Nothing will cost you credibility more than a MC who can’t remember your name!
No waffle:
Keep the introduction to around one or two minutes long, but not much more than that.
Energy and enthusiasm:
Make sure they smile and come across as a warm person
when delivering your introduction. The audience needs to feel their excitement for your presentation… if your MC sounds bored, the audience will tune out.
Have a basic understanding of your topic:
Even if it’s something that they’re not over-familiar with, your MC must understand enough about your topic to be able to convey the information correctly.

Build up your credibility:
If you have appeared on television, in the press, or written a book, make sure your MC includes the info as part of their introduction as it will capture the
attention of the audience.
It’s your MC’s job to boast about the things that you might not boast about yourself.
And don’t forget you…
Being an MC yourself for other speakers is useful stage time. It’s a valuable speaking skill and also useful experience that can bring you to the attention of other speakers. Being an MC opens doors.
Why not practice crafting an introduction for a speaker you know… just for the purpose of going through the exercise? When you can get really good at creating a format for introductions, you’ll be able to do them off the cuff… whenever the occasion arises.
Don’t reject the success and riches you deserve from speaking, simply because you FEAR it might not be true for you.
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Hi Joanna
Love your blogs. I joined your platinum Membership a week ago. I’m more pumped than the Michelin man. 2013 bring it on
Anthony Khoury
Well, it is absolutely correct for the audience to get to know the speaker but the speaker should also know his audience or else it would not be such a Rockstar afterall, there are a few questions I’ve learn a long time ago that every speaker should ask himself/herself, why this topic? Why this topic for this audience? Why this topic for this audience at this time? For an absolutely Rockstar introduction we all need to ask ourselves these questions from time to time.
Wise words Darren… love it!
That’s VERY pumped! Love the analogy and I am excited to be sharing your journey