How to Write a Book

You want to be looking for strategies to increase your celebrity as a speaker. One of these strategies is to write a book. People think they don’t have time to write a book. We have this concept that our book needs to be perfect and all emcompassing. A friend of mine wrote his book in […]

3 Quick Steps To Boost Your Vitality

What’s good health got to do with business?  Well, read on and find out… “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.– Mahatma Gandhi Speaking from a Doctor’s point of view good health is the cornerstone to everything.  It’s the founding bed for relationships, for business, for love and […]

Leveraging Business Through Your Speaking Career

You can create a product by speaking and recording it You then never have to run the event again (if you don’t want to) You can use the recording for lead generation Do the same thing by recording a webinar or recording a teleseminar Start thinking of your seminar as research to find out what […]

“Your Life on the MC List” Part 2

In this, the 2nd of a 2-part article series we continue the theme on the importance of the MC.  Do not underestimate the value of your MC! If you’ve been asked to MC for a speaker, follow these golden rules and you can’t go wrong. Keep it Brief Keep your introduction to around one or […]

Using Public Speaking To Sell From Stage

Public speaking can serve these 5 business functions – research & development, marketing, sales, product creation, product delivery. You can take someone from “who the hell are you?” to “I love you! Here’s my credit card!” You must be able to deliver what you say you will deliver. Public speaking can increase your conversions, way […]

The Importance of Introduction – “Your Life on the MC List”

Knowing how to introduce a speaker is a very important skill and although it seems very simple and straightforward, there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye. The Purpose of IntroductionsThere are three main reasons to introduce a speaker correctly. The first is to grab hold of the audience’s attention,the second is to […]