If you’ve done a number of presentations, you will have had the experience of delivering your well-designed “speech” to a few different crowds. But one thing I have noticed with speakers time and time again is that when they are actually on stage, sometimes their focus is on the wrong place.
4 Tips for Public Speaking: Why Feedback Is So Important To Your Sales
One of the best public speaking tips I can give you is this always seek feedback!
Remember, when you’re speaking in public, either on stage or during a presentation, the aim is to not just to educate but also to leverage your time and bring in extra sales for your business. Selling 1:100 is much more powerful than selling 1:1 . . .which is why getting feedback on your performance can make all the difference to your bottom line profits.
Sales Presentation: 3 Top Tips For Maximising Your Sales
Marketing Your Seminar: Seminars For Business
Sales Presentation: The 7 Key Presentation Elements
Growing A Business: How Speaking Can Grow Your Business
Did you know that speaking is the most powerful lead generation tool you can use to grow your business? Number One Business Growth Strategy… Use This And Watch Your Profits Explode! Speaking on stage is not just about turning up, making a speech and getting paid for it. This is old school. The kind of […]