State Changes – Keeping Your Audiences Engaged

Every seven minutes you need to elicit a state change in your audience It can be with a MASSAGE, a HIGH FIVE or a turn to your neighbour to say something complimentary and fun In order to know when to do this you can have a reminder on your autocue or just watch your audience’s […]

Why Your Voice Is The Most Important Tool You Have

Speaking is a key area in almost every business, be it negotiations, promotions and of course, speaking and selling from stage.  This makes it ALL THE MORE important to know just how powerful your voice can be.  Your Voice Is Your Money-Making Machinery. Understanding this will make you a truly exceptional speaker with the power […]

Choosing the Right Environment for Your Presentation

The venue and environment you select when doing your presentation is as much a vital part of what you do as everything else. You want to choose somewhere that supports your message and adds to what you want to achieve. For Example: Don’t choose somewhere dark and gloomy if you have a bright and sunny […]

Using Powerful Language in Your Presentations

In order to become a speaker that moves hearts and minds and is memorable, you need to use an element to your language that is unforgettable. Like Shakespeare did in his plays, if you can use verbs in a powerful way in your presentation, you will find it all comes to life. This is the […]

Outsourcing to Grow Your Business

One of the most common excuses I hear from my clients when they are stalling on doing the things they know they should do is “I don’t have the time”. If you have ever said to yourself “I just don’t have the time to get these things done that I know I should be doing” […]