How To Increase Your Confidence With Speaking

To deliver an amazing speech is one thing. But to speak with clarity, confidence, and composure requires knowing some helpful speaking tips. Knowing how to tackle your public speaking fears and issues can help you become a much more competent speaker…  and that of course will improve your life for many years to come. INCREASE […]

Why It Pays To Overcome YOUR Fear Of Public Speaking

A fear of public speaking is believed to be the single most common phobia and affects as much as 75% of the population.  This means if you have some ‘stuff’ about being on stage and having the spotlight focused brightly on you . . .  you are not alone. And… do you know, even the […]

Do You Fear Speaking From Stage?

For a lot of business owners, the very thought of standing in front of an audience and speaking is terrifying. I also hear from people every day who feel stuck in their business… they’re unsure of what to do next that will attract new clients. If speaking from stage is something you fear, you can […]