How to market your seminars is one of the greatest obstacles I find with people starting out in the public speaking business. But once you overcome this, you’ll be increasing your bottom line profits as you run full to the rafter events and seminars.

But first here are some questions commonly asked about marketing your seminars:

Who on earth am I going to present to?

Where are they?

And how do I get them into a room?

The first step is to locate your target audience. Because once you know who your ideal prospects are, it’s just a matter of marketing your seminar to them effectively.

So, let’s looks at 2 easy strategies to find your target audience

  1. Pre-existing groups.
    This is by far and away the simplest strategy for effective seminar marketing. Once you have determined your ideal audience, the next logical step is to ask yourself:  

    “Where are groups of these people already gathering?”

    Your target market, more often than not, are already meeting together in groups somewhere:

    • clubs
    • associations
    • seminars
    • workshops
    • social groups
    • companies
    • small businesses

    All these organisations are having regular events or meetings looking for someone to come and add value and inspiration to their members or employees. Why not try marketing your seminars to them?

  2. Create your own group
    If you already have a business or a client list – even if there are only 8 people on it- this is a great way to market your seminar. You market to the people already interested in you and your services and because they are already engaged, you increase the percentage of them buying again from you. 

    One of the simplest marketing things you can do is have a “Client Appreciation Night”.

    Invite your clients to bring a guest along to an evening. Put on a drink or two and share with them some ground breaking information in your industry. At the evening you then do your awesome presentation and make some sales right there on the night to people who already know and love you, and their friends.

    Of course if your database is 1000 people- the numbers get more fun more quickly, but I want to stress on you that you can start marketing your seminars on a small scale.

Food For Thought
Now that you have 2 easy strategies to find to your target market and then market your seminars to that audience, why not plan your own client appreciation night or even approach an organization to book yourself a public speaking slot!

5 Responses to “Marketing Your Seminar: Seminars For Business”

  1. Thanks for this info, Joey, especially the reminder about Client Appreciation Nights. They have been great when I have run them in the past. People do love it when you treat them to something special and I love hosting them!

    You rock!

  2. Thanx Jo,

    Extremely valuable and timely, been scratching my head trying over the last week or so trying to figure out how to source my new micro niche audience. Was actually thinking about doing a drinks reception which sounds similar to your Client Appreciation night..except that I haven’t got them through the funnel back to the drawing board for me 🙂

  3. This makes so much sense Jo! Its doing these extras that endears customers to you. People buy the relationships now and not necessarily your products. Tmely!

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    Take care. BYE for this time.

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