Do you ever sit down to write a blog post and feel as if 
your mind has emptied of all the interesting blog topics you could be writing 

I’m talking about that feeling of “Writer’s Block” that 
paralyses many business owners and holds them back from keeping on top of their 
blog… or even getting started in the first place?

It’s certainly happened to me in the past, and I’m sure 
you’ve experienced the same? You know… the times you sit staring at your 
computer screen hoping to find some inspiration within the empty white screen 
in front of you?

So today, I thought I’d share a few simple tactics you can 
use to build your own “blog topic library” of interesting material… so that when 
you come to sit and write your blog, you’ll have plenty of inspiration sources 
at hand;

Daily news sites:

By subscribing to daily news wires via RSS or email, you
will receive regular summaries of the most topical national and local news 
stories. Scan through the daily topics and if you find any relevant stories, 
save the emails to a new folder in your inbox called “Blog Inspiration”.

But here’s the thing… you won’t necessarily want to write 
a blog post about the news story itself. What you can do however, is to look 
for a story that has any form of relevance to your business sector.

So for example, as I write this post, the main story around 
the UK right now is the outcome of the Leveson Inquiry. If you publish a 
magazine in your business, you could blog about how you view the implications 
of this report might impact you?

Recently I wrote a post about what Felix Baumgartner’s space jump can 
teach us about business
… does this make sense? You kind of piggyback the news 
story in a way that is in alignment with your message.

If you read news stories thinking not only about the story 
itself, but of how it could be relevant to your business, you will discover a 
regular source of inspiration right there.

Keep a diary:

You know all the little things that happen during your
day… and not forgetting the big stuff too? A week after the event it can be 
difficult to remember exactly what happened. But by keeping a daily diary, you 
can note down what you did, who you saw, what made you smile, sad, angry or grateful,
and you’ll have a journal you can refer to whenever you’re looking for material 
to write about.

What questions have you been asked this week?

Every time you are asked a question related to your work, 
keep a note of it. If the question is emailed to you, save the email in your 
new blog inbox folder.

If you’re asked the question in person or happen across it 
while browsing your social media accounts, make a note in your diary.

Because if one person is asking this question, you can 
guarantee many more are wondering the same thing. So when they go to Google and 
search for the answer, wouldn’t it be great if it was your blog they found?!

Read other blogs:

I don’t mean you can start copying other people’s work, but 
by reading what others in your business sector are writing about, you can get 
inspiration for topics to blog about yourself.

You could also write a counter response to another blog 
you’ve read, sharing your alternative viewpoint with a link back to the 
original post. That could be a good way of instigating a conversation with 
another blog owner and joining in with a debate they began.

Write a review:

Have you read a book or used a new piece of software 
recently that would be of benefit to your community? Writing a blog post 
sharing your user experience or book review is a great way to add value to your 

What have you learned that could help your community if you
shared your insights in a blog post?

Perhaps you’ve started using an alternative to a 
market-leader business tool? You could think about writing a comparison review 
highlighting why you believe one to be better than the other. Quite often people 
will search for comparison reviews when deciding which to purchase… and this 
could lead to you reaching a new audience.

And if you wanted to be really savvy… you could become an
affiliate of the tools you are blogging about, so you earn a small amount of
commission if a reader purchases as a result of reading your blog (but don’t 
forget to state your affiliation at the end of your blog post)

Case studies:

Have you worked with a client recently whose story is likely 
to be shared by or an inspiration to many of your community?

Unless you have your client’s permission, don’t use names, 
but by writing a post about where they were in their journey when you first 
met, what you did to help them and where they are now… in general terms… you 
could open the door to gaining a new client who identifies with the story and 
desires the outcome.

There is plenty of inspiration around you, but often we’re 
too busy to notice it at the time… leading to the “Writers Block” you’re experiencing when you 
need to write. But by getting prepared in advance, and constantly being on the lookout 
for, and making a note of, any blog topic inspiration you come across, you can 
avoid ever having to stare at a blank screen again.

How do you overcome Writer’s Block? Do you use any of the techniques 
I’ve mentioned here? Can you recommend other strategies that I’ve not 


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