I thought Id put together a quick post today about “How to Get the Best Quality Webinar Recording Using Screenflow or Camtasia.”
Presentation Profits Graduate Catherine Watkin posted this question in our closed forum on Friday:

So I filmed a response coz I thought you all might like to know.
Do you have any killer webinar tips?
Thank you Joanna!
you are prefect in giving authentic information as usual !
I meant it perfect in any small detail !
being pleasure to be your subscriber and attended your workshops.
I learned from you that every small detail which supports the main content / I mean music back ground and even the lyric of that music and a lot of small detail in your presentation/ is on purpose and perfectly match to the general idea, which makes the product outstanding!
Hi Jo
I have been looking to join the facebook forum you mentioned at PPI but can’t find it.
Just come back of holiday where I watched all the videos at my leisure
loads of great ideas
Hi Joanna,
Thanks so much for such a wonderful and personalised response to my query! I shall try my very best to master all these different screens and softwares – and I will keep telling myself “If Joey can do it, so can I” that will be my mantra! Watch this space, fabulous home study programme coming soon!
Catherine x
You’re so welcome Catherine! Go get ’em!
Can you drop the office a line at [email protected] and they will send you the link to join
Thank you Vanya!