If you are like most business owners, this is a question you will ask yourself at least once. Should you attempt to head off time wasters by informing your site visitors of their investment upfront… or is it preferable to tackle the financial stuff only when you’ve had the opportunity to talk with them? Unfortunately, […]
Should You Accept Every Speaking Gig You Are Offered?
Recently these similar two questions have been asked of me by several of my clients… so I thought I’d answer the questions here where you can all benefit from my responses; Question #1: “Jo, I’ve been offered a speaking gig several hours away, should I accept it?” and Question #2: “ I’ve been offered a speaking gig […]
Building A List | Converting Subscribers Into Clients
How To Get More Clients | Guest Blogging
Today’s blog is in response to a post in our Platform Speakers forum from PPI Graduate Suzanne Fergus who asked “What is guest blogging and how is it best approached?” What is guest blogging? Put simply, you write a blog post sharing some great tips or strategies… but instead of it appearing in your own […]
How To Use Tear Sheets In Your Direct Mail Campaigns
Little Known Publicity Secret Revealed: Your Local Paper Can Make You Local Money!
So often when people think of publicity and getting their names in the media, they think of national TV, major daily newspapers or high rating radio. And all these outlets are great – no question. But there is an often overlooked ‘poor cousin’ in the media world which can yield HUGE results for speaking businesses.