Every year the producers of the X Factor TV series receive a deluge of applications from hopeful candidates, all vying for attention and hoping to shine in front of the live audience. Whether we end up cheering for them or disliking them, the ones that really capture our attention have large personalities, are quite often […]
How To Grow Your List Through Speaking
What Makes A Great Business Card?
A great business card is an asset to your business, but it’s difficult to know which details to include. So what makes a great business card? Your business card gets passed to your new contacts as a long term reminder of briefly meeting you in person… are you leaving your prospects with a good impression […]
Should You Accept Every Speaking Gig You Are Offered?
Recently these similar two questions have been asked of me by several of my clients… so I thought I’d answer the questions here where you can all benefit from my responses; Question #1: “Jo, I’ve been offered a speaking gig several hours away, should I accept it?” and Question #2: “ I’ve been offered a speaking gig […]