Welcome to the final day of the Challenge!  And a big thank you to everyone who has participated over the last two weeks.  It has been really moving to be involved.

Here are some of my favourite videos we received…


But there can only be one winner, and this lady’s passion for her subject just blew me away.  I am so wrapped I’ve been able to contribute to this cause…I announce our winner in my video above- but here she is…


Jane is taking home a signed copy of my new book “The Presentation Profits Blueprint” and 2 FREE Tickets to my Last Ever Presentation Secrets.  All up valued at over $244.

Today’s Project

Set some goals, and implement.

Any action is better than none!! And you can refine as you move.  Good luck and I hope to see you at Presentation Secrets in your city this year.

Dates for Upcoming Events are Selling Out fast Now

You can see more details on the webiste here.

Australian Dates: are on sale now!
• Perth – 6th March
• Melbourne – 9th March
• Brisbane – 12th March
• Adelaide – 19th March
• Sydney – 21st March

UK Dates: not on sale until 15th March 2012 (so just put the date in your diary and get your video up to win your place)
• London #1 – 11th May
• London #2 = 12th May
• London #3 – 25th May


6 Responses to “Speaker’s 14-Day Challenge: Day 14- Take Action and Our Winner”

  1. Hi Joanna!

    Thank you!! That’s fantastic news, I’m so chuffed.

    Would love to start booking flights, the 25th of May would be ideal! Please let me know if that’s ok…

    Good luck with Presentation Secrets tomorrow in Perth and I’m really looking forward to seeing you in London!

    Thank you once again 🙂

  2. Hi Joanna,

    Great to be one of the favourites. Looking forward to seeing you at Presentation Secrets in Sydney on the 21st.

    Congratulations Jane – your idea for connecting givers with the results of their giving is excellent. You are obviously going to make a significant difference.


  3. Thanks for putting me in the ‘shortlist’. Congratulations Jane – hope to see you at the event! Thanks again to Joanna for sharing your valuable tips on speaking – it’s been a great challenge.

  4. Michelle Holmes

    Janey!!!! Yay!!! Go hunny! I’m soooo proud of you!!!! 🙂 xxxxxxxxxx

  5. Thanks Graeme for the encouragement! All the best for The Marketing Doc!

    Hi Dawn! I really thought Joanna would choose you 🙂
    Love your site… totally agree with creating fantastic customer experience.
    When I started delivering my gourmet lunches, the Portuguese weren’t use to having their orders delivered 10 mins before time and if by chance we were going to be late, we called!
    Hope to go to the presentation on the 25th of May. Would be lovely to meet you 🙂

    THANKS MICHELLE!!!! xxxxx (ps lesson from yesterday….gravatar :))

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