Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Or in other words, Happy Chinese New Year!

January 23rd marked the year of the dragon and with the dragon comes lots and lots of babies. Why? Because children born in dragon years are supposed to be particularly lucky.
In fact, in previous dragon years, countries like China and Hong Kong have experienced massive baby booms and I read in the paper the other day that makers of pre-natal and infant care services are already rubbing their hands in glee at the prospect of all these new babies.
So what, you might be asking, has this got to do with you and your public speaking aspirations or business goals?
Well, as the dragon is the only mythical creature out of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac, it is seen as the most auspicious out of all the animals and is the link between the imaginary world and the real world.
In other words, it really is a special year to bring into manifestation something you have long been dreaming of. Or to use the baby analogy – to give birth to something you deeply desire.
Now this doesn’t have to be a child (although that is my deepest wish for this dragon year!) it could be something professional or something personal.
So what project or dream do you most secretly yearn to realize this year?
If you’ve never spoken in public before, is it to speak in public for the first time? Or if you’ve been speaking in public a while now, is it time to take the step up and put on your own public speaking event?

Do you have a financial goal? Dragon years represent change and mobility and in terms of economy, tend to herald in better economic wealth. It’s an energetic year and a great year for entrepreneurship.
So is it time to leave your job and set up your own business? Giving birth can be to a new business or even just a new project. Or is now the year to create those products you’ve been talking about doing for years?! Perhaps this dragon year is when you really start to leverage your time and make some passive income.
Or would you like to manifest something more personal than that? To bring forth and co-create a deep and meaningful relationship?
To set sail on a round the world adventure?

Or like myself and Greg, is it to have children?
So this week, I invite you to think of one great dream you want to give birth to this dragon year and see come forth into its physical manifestation.
Keep in mind my advice from my new year blog post and really take a moment to connect with your deeper self. This means the goals and intentions come from the higher self and not your ego.
The Truth About Those New Year Goals
Now is the perfect time to set forth your intention into the world.
And if you’ve landed on this blog post and your goals are purely speaking related, know that there’s tons of resources on this blog to help you, anything from filling the room, writing your own copy, shooting your own videos and lots more speaking tips!
The Anatomy Of The Perfect Squeeze Page
How To Create A Professional Video Even Spielberg Would Be Proud Of
Sow the seed of your desire and know with dragon energy on your side, anything is possible.
I invite your comments, thoughts and dragon dreams below.