Today’s guest blogger is my social media adviser, Veronica Pullen who some of you may know from our Platform Speakers and the 7 Figure Speaking System Facebook Forums.
I’ve asked Veronica to share some of her strategies with you today to help you see greater results from your social media marketing.
Over to you Veronica…
Whether you use Twitter, Facebook, Linked in. Pinterest or any other platform to promote your business, you should treat everyone you meet as if they are your best friend.
Now I don’t mean you turn up at their house one evening and park yourself on their sofa… that’s stalking and you’ll get into trouble!
But what I do mean is that you give something of value of yourself… without expectation… to every single one of your social media connections that you come into contact with.
Firstly you’ll need to change your mindset from ‘what can social media do for me?’ to ‘what can I do for my social media connections?’ My mantra that I remind myself of before I respond to anyone on social media is…
“Give people what they are asking for or hoping for”.

It’s not as hard as it sounds either. We know what your audience don’t want;
-They don’t want a selling machine, someone who just keeps posting ‘buy my stuff’ type messages.
-They don’t want to be offended so no potentially offensive humour.
-They don’t want to see swearing or have to read your drunken ramblings.
As a business owner, giving your audience what they don’t want won’t give you what you want – sales!
However, make it your mission that every time they connect with your business you SMILE;
S – Solve their problems.
When you see a question that you know the answer to, share your knowledge and expertise. The type of questions will vary from the likes of “can anyone recommend an iPhone app for taking notes?” to the more specialist such as “how can I embed a YouTube video on my website?” or “can anyone recommend a Reflexologist in North London?”
If you enter “anyone recommend” (including the quote marks) into the search box at the top of the Twitter site and click ‘Tweets’ on the next screen, you will be shown all tweets that include those two words together. You can modify the search to add a business type or location, for example,
“anyone recommend” Reflexologist London
will give you any tweets from people asking for recommendations to a Reflexologist in London.
This search provides you with an opportunity to find people looking for you… but also you’ll be generating referral opportunities too!
M – Make them feel valued.
Treat everyone you come into contact with as if they are the most important person in your life right now… judging someone to be irrelevant to you is a mistake… who do they know?
I – inform, educate and entertain with quality content.
It could be your free eBook sharing your knowledge, your blogs, articles from other websites or anything you feel adds value to their social media experience.
L – Listen and acknowledge.
If you see a post from someone who has achieved something or you have enjoyed reading their blog…tell them. If they’re having a bad day, empathise.

Respond to people who comment on your posts or tweet you. Initiate conversations with new people – If you engage with six new people each day, at the end of the year 2,140 will know your business exists who don’t right now. You haven’t had to leave home to meet them either!
If you want more sales from social media, put the needs of your audience ahead of your own. Don’t be someone who only broadcasts how wonderful you are (we take that as a given!) Go be the person with the big SMILE whose competitors don’t get a look in!
Veronica Pullen specialises in social marketing relationships and is the Creator of Social Media Prospector for Twitter – a unique training system for business owners who want to achieve greater results from Twitter. The program is based on her unique insights into how people communicate and will teach you how to apply winning strategies to boost your sales.
Visit to download Veronica’s free ebook “Unlock The 3 Best Kept Secrets And Skyrocket Your Sales From Twitter”
liked the concept. very well written.
Awesome Stanley!