Whether you are giving a presentation to hundreds of people at a seminar, or talking informally to a small group of people at a networking event, you want to be memorable. You want those people to leave with a positive experience, remembering you as someone who they can work with or build a relationship with.

So, how can you ensure you are memorable? By adding passion! Passion is the secret weapon for success in all your talks.
Follow these five steps to add passion to all your presentations and talks, and ensure you’re always leaving a positive, memorable recollection of both you and your message, long after the talk has ended.
#1: Be enthusiastic
In order for your audience to believe in you, you have to firstly believe in yourself! Believe in what you’re saying, what you’re promoting and what difference you know you can make as a result… be passionate about your skills and speak from the heart.
#2: Be emotional
I’m not saying you should be a crying wreck on the stage, but don’t be afraid to show how passionate you are. Being emotional will help to get the audience motivated enough to take action. Ask questions to get them emotionally involved and nodding in agreement.

If you’re reliving your story to the audience, don’t be afraid to show the parts that really “get” to you. Take the time to compose yourself or wipe a stray tear from your eye, if needed… don’t be afraid to show how much you care.
As Maya Angelou said; “people may not always remember what you said… but they will always remember how you made them feel.”
#3: Be personal
Part of being emotional is to be personal. When you’re sharing your story with the audience, you’re not just giving them an account of how you got to this point in your life… you’re giving them hope. You’re building rapport, showing that you understand their current situation and empathise with everything that has happened.
You’re giving them a first-hand account of what can happen now, as a result of making the decision to move forward… and the hope that, if it’s worked out for you, it can work out for them too.
#4: Body language
When you’re truly connected to your story and message, your body language will naturally reflect your enthusiasm and passion. If you’re worried you’re not totally connected emotionally, change your body language. Make sure you open your arms, be powerful and firm with your posture, face the audience and make eye contact… in short, own your power.
#5: Read the audience

Finally, learn to read your audience. Are they showing signs they’re connected to your message? Are they nodding, smiling and laughing in the right places? Make eye contact with a few people and smile whilst talking… talk as if you’re talking to them personally.
When you get to the end of your speech, make your no brainer offer and compel them to take action… use scarcity for additional bonuses – only for the first five that meet you at the back of the room… then go to the back of the room and guide them to follow you.
Do you get really emotional during certain parts of your story… but found client uptake has increased as a result? What steps do you take to really own your power and your stage during speeches? Why not share your thoughts in the comments section