How is Business like Learning a Language? No it’s not a riddle – there are three basic steps… There are phases you pass through when learning business, just like learning a language. Being successful in business is really as simple as learning the language of business. First you need to get the basics and learn […]
Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone

It’s all in the mind this week. We’ve all heard the saying that success breeds success but where does success start? It starts with a mental attitude and a willingness to step outside the comfort zone. You see it doesn’t matter what level of game you are playing right now- there is always another level […]
The Art Of Packdown
Packdown is a good opportunity to prepare for your next event. It is a good idea to have packing lists and storage categories so you can pack down quickly and effectively. If you have a system where everyone is responsible for their own part of packdown then the whole thing happens much faster. Systems are […]
Using Public Speaking to Leverage your Consulting Business

What do you find yourself saying over and over (and over) to clients? Instead of delivering that information one-to-one why not deliver that information once to multiple clients at the same time at an event? Invite your clients to bring their guests They get to network with each other and make new contacts, and you […]