Emcee or MC . . . However you choose to spell it isn’t the important part.
The important part is getting the right MC to introduce you in a way which supports you correctly.
In fact, the role of the MC is actually a lot more important than most people would assume. . .

You see, knowing how to introduce a speaker is a learned skill and although it seems very simple and straightforward, there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye.
So if you are an MC in the making or if you are looking for an MC for your next presentation . . . read on!
The Purpose of Introductions
There are three main reasons to introduce a speaker correctly. The first is to grab hold of the audience’s attention, the second is to entice the audience to pay attention, and the third is to build up the credibility of the speaker. A successful MC will have the audience wanting to buy from this person even before they’ve stepped onstage.
Profiling The Audience
People who attend seminars come from diverse backgrounds, and have different purposes and reasons for being there. It’s the job of the MC or the person doing the introduction to pull the audience together to be present and focused.
Engaging The Audience
It’s important also to establish the credibility of the speaker. The MC needs to build the speaker up and make them look fabulous. It’s their role to make the audience to be feeling really, really great and very blessed to have this particular person in front of them. The aim is to get an audience wanting to work closely with the speaker even before they go on stage
An MC also needs to build rapport with the audience to capture their attention. They need to let them know what’s coming and why they really should listen to this person.
The Plot
Once the introductions are prepared, you don’t want the MC to just be reading out notes on stage necessarily. As an MC, you need to have the basics written down and an awareness of what key words the speaker wants you to use in their introduction. It’s that information the MC will be using to connect with the audience.
Tell The Audience Who You Are
I see this mistake a lot – the MC will get up and forget to introduce themselves. If you are the MC, it’s important to tell people who you are and why you’re up on the stage. The only exception to not telling the audience who you are is if it’s all ready been done.
Our Next Speaker Is…
If you’re the MC, make sure before you go on stage that you know the speaker’s name by heart and you know how to pronounce it! There’s nothing worse than pronouncing a speaker’s name incorrectly.
Go On . . . It’s Your Turn Now!
This week, why not pretend you are MC-ing for another speaker and see you can start to practice the above points. Or if you happen to be at a multi-speaker event check out the MC and see how good a job he/she is doing!
To be continued next week . . .
Another great post.
It’s true though, the MC does set the tone for the rest of the day and if the audience are already warmed up then it makes the main speaker’s task that much easier to connect.
I used an MC at my wedding a few years back and it made a huge difference to the atmosphere.