It can be difficult to find good training venues that don’t cost you an arm and a leg; but if you follow the steps in this blog post, you should be able to find a good training venue that fits your budget AND expectations.
Simple steps to finding good training venues;

The clearer you are on what impression you want to make at your event, the number of people who are coming, and the ideal location, the easier your search will be.
2. Think about the location of your training venue.
Consider factors such as:
- Who is your target market for this event?
- How mobile are they? Does the venue need to be level access?
- Are they driving or catching public transport? How close is the venue to public transport links?
- What impression do you need to give? Think about whether you can give your attendees the full experience in, say, a stately home or luxury retreat, compared to a chain hotel?
If a lot of people are flying in, it is also a good idea to have your training venue at or near an airport.

Every part of the training experience, right down to how easy it is to find parking says something about you and the brand of your company. Be aware of this when making your selection.
If it is a big event, and the car park can’t cope with the number of vehicles needing spaces, will your guests have to be shuttled to an overflow car park? Is there additional parking nearby?
4. Think about your budget for your training venue.

Be realistic about the cost of training but always be ready to negotiate. It is not uncommon to be able to get a venue down to 75% of an original quote if you negotiate well.
Remember to cast your net wide when looking for venues that suit your training requirements, and give yourself plenty of time. Don’t be afraid to play venues off against one another for your custom!
Catering can often add considerably to your bill… can you make savings by having attendees ordering tea/coffee at the bar so you pay only for what is consumed instead of blanket catering for every attendee?
Is it cheaper to provide a sit down one-course lunch in the restaurant as opposed to a buffet?
Do your research carefully, and speak to other event organisers to see if they have any gems for venues or non-published savings they can share with you?
Make 2013 the year you step up to your vision… when you not only get paid to speak, but to build passive income so that you can live the ultimate lifestyle and enjoy the freedom to do whatever you want, from anywhere in the world you want to do it.
Imagine your new life when you’ve achieved all this . . . and take action now to get started on your journey