By Joanna Martin
At my Presentation Secrets event in London last Friday, a lady called T Sandeman-Charles was in the audience. Unfortunately I never got to meet her personally as she had travelled two hours into London to attend and needed to get home for medication… but she spent some time with Jane Hafren, my BDM.
What I learned about T from Jane has really touched me and I want to share her story with you here today.
T’s story:
Until two years ago T had led a busy, normal life. She had been running her own business for ten years and become very successful in her field. In January 2010, the life she knew was changed in an instant.

On diagnosis, T chose to take positive action and rather than letting these conditions define her, she has committed to making a difference to the lives of many in the precious time she has left on this earth.
She now devotes her time to speaking to groups about her campaign… “Save5”… with which she hopes to encourage 10,000 new people to join the Organ Donor Register. So far through T’s efforts, 4,202 people have signed up.
How can you help?
Although Greg and I have registered, I understand that committing to registering as an organ donor is a very personal choice. But if you choose to register, you could make a huge difference to five families should your life tragically end.
I’d like to personally invite you to visit T’s website, read her story and take a few minutes today to consider whether you feel able to register as an organ donor.
If you already registered some time ago, your registration may no longer be valid so please do hop over here and check if you’re still classified as a registered donor.
As a registered donor you could save five lives on your death… hence the name of T’s campaign “Save5”.
If after reading T’s story, you make the decision to register as an organ donor… thank you. Please don’t forget to send T a message if you have registered as a result of reading this blog so she can add your name to her tally of new registrants… it is important that she can see the difference she is making so please do drop her a line if you have taken this step.
Death is taboo and very few people openly discuss what happens when you die… which in turn breeds fear around registering as an organ donor. It’s important to understand that registering does not automatically guarantee you will be able to donate your organs.
Statistically, you are far more likely to need a transplant yourself than ever becoming an actual donor.
You see, it is important that more people register so that those whose lives depend on a transplant have a chance of receiving one. We never know if the life of a loved one may suddenly depend on a transplant… if it can happen to T, it can happen to anyone.
If you feel you’d like to register but have concerns, please do get in touch with T so she can answer any questions to allay your fears. If you are not based in the UK, your registration is still vitally needed so if you’d like to participate, please check how your country accepts registrations.

To quote directly from T;
“I now know why I have these diseases… if I hadn’t have been diagnosed, Save5 would not exist and I would not have this chance to transform so many lives!”
Wow. What a beautiful perspective.
If T’s story has touched you too, please share this post widely with your community… let’s see what we can do to help Save5 reach their milestone of 10,000 new registrations in T’s lifetime.
Great post Jo! I registered many years ago, and honestly I’ve moved house so many times in-between that it probably wouldn’t have been valid any more, so I’ve just been and updated and re-registered online again, so it’s all in order now. T’s story is inspiring, thanks for sharing 🙂
Dear Tanya – thank you so very much for taking time out and registering. It really does mean so much to me – you just would have no idea. I’ll be sending you a “proper” thank you email and will proudly pop a Save5 badge in the post for you which I hope you will wear with pride. Take great care always – you have a huge heart. T.
Dear Jules – how lovely to hear from you and thank you for your kind words. It was good to meet you too and I am so glad that you wear your Save5 badge with pride. You are one special lady. Take great care always. T.
Dear Jo, Thanks for your good heart and good intention, but organ transplantation is a very serious matter from a spiritual point of view. Organs are not merely material in nature – they have spiritual consciousnesses too! So if the person whose organ is donated and the recipient are not aware of this, a spiritual possession can take place and cause more harm than good.
Happy Science clearly teaches what happens after we die and gives an opinion on the organ transplantation subject. Please, read it and then make a decision.
Thanks Michelle – I do really appreciate your help. Have a great day and as always – take care. T.
Hi Rasa-
Thank you for that new perspective. I have heard of people who have had organ transplants and had memory from the person they received the organ from. So it doesn’t seem a great stretch to think that there is a spiritual component to this. As you say on your website- awareness is key!