A fear of public speaking is believed to be the
single most common phobia and affects as much as 75% of the population. This means if you have some ‘stuff’ about
being on stage and having the spotlight focused brightly on you . . . you are not alone.

And… do you know, even the most confident of
public speakers often get rattled when it comes to asking for the sale.
Have you ever seen a speaker give a dynamic
presentation and then suddenly turn into a mumbling robot when they get to the
part where they are selling? If you have
ever witnessed a bad presentation… where the whole thing looked just too
difficult, then most probably you will have been turned off from doing it
But I want to make a key distinction here. It’s not the selling itself which is bad . .
. it’s often the technique that is being used.
When it is done with finesse it’s as graceful as ballet.
Time To Stretch Your Comfort Zone
We all enjoy coasting along in our comfort
zones, don’t we? But the trouble with taking
that attitude is that you’re not stretching yourself.

And once you stop reaching and stretching
yourself, you stop growing.
In fact, if you’re feeling comfortable right now,
you’re in danger of missing the big pay-off which comes with stepping out of
your comfort zone. That pay-off is – you
get the confidence to take on a whole lot of other things in many areas of your
There’s a real sense of achievement that comes
from facing your fear… and it’s a real shame for you to miss out on success
purely to stay comfortable.
Start Small
A great way to start stepping out of your
comfort zone is to speak in front of just a handful of people. The confidence you will draw from this
experience will allow you to get up in front of even bigger audiences.
I’ve got many successful clients who decided
they were going to learn how to present from stage precisely because they were
so terrified of it. They knew if they didn’t overcome this fear, it would hold
them back from all the other opportunities life will throw at them.
From Painfully Shy Child To $130,000 In Ticket Sales In 3 Short
In fact, you may not know this, but as a child I
was incredibly shy. And just like you, I
had to work through my own issues about getting up on stage.

For me, it was about letting go of my own self
limiting beliefs, and stepping out of my comfort zone. And now look at me . . . I love being up
Not only that, but I make a lot of money from my
passion. Using just one of my profit
principles – I made over $130,000 in ticket sales in 3 short months and without
even a database of my own!
I’m not saying all this to toot my own horn . .
. I say this to show you what is possible when YOU step out of your
comfort zone and dare to grow.
Fears can be constructive, but don’t let them
hold you back from the success you deserve.
Your ideas and thoughts are valuable and the real power of speaking is
in the lives you can change.
So this week, step out of your comfort zone and
start sharing your message with anyone who’ll listen. You might just find the doors of opportunity
burst wide open for you too.
Great article Joanna,
I really look forward to going stage for the first time. Its all I think about. With “Shifts” help I know I can do it.
Anthony Khoury
That’s awesome Anthony… exciting times!