Erm. Hang on? Speak . . . speak in public you say?
Let me just swallow my fear and choke on my cornflakes. You want me to stand up in front of a group of strangers and talk to them? Like give them a presentation?!
Are you cuh-razy?
I can’t speak in public!
No, I am not crazy. In fact . . . I am about to offer you the fastest ticket to success you could ever imagine. You know Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and the Golden Tickets . . . well speaking is YOUR golden ticket to success.

Look, I know for most people there might be a few fears to get over (although for the rare few there are none) . .. but let’s imagine you’re the norm and not the exception and you do have a bit of stuff around speaking in public. That’s ok. Maybe you have a lot of stuff around speaking in public! Because public speaking is (apparently) the number one fear that most people have.
Which is such a shame! There are so many benefits to becoming a speaker – for your business, your bank balance, for your lifestyle AND for your own personal confidence – I can’t even cover them all in one mere blog post so I’ve highlighted the top 5 for you!
Read on . . .
The Top Five Benefits Of Public Speaking
1. Increased Self Confidence
Once you have mastered speaking in front on an audience, whether it be in front of a crowd of ten or a crowd of thousands, your confidence levels will go through the roof. Through the roof ok? Do this, and you can do anything. Honest.
2. Reach More People
Do you have a vision which is close to your heart, a vision which could shape the world, a vision which could heal? Yes? Well stop holding onto it and start sharing it.
Does it make more sense to talk to one person at a time, or a roomful of people? Which method will spread your vision faster? Remember, a vision flies when you stand on stage. You give it wings.

Allow yourself to fly.
3. Make More Sales
Regardless of what you are selling – your ebook, your 3-day seminar, your coaching or your membership site, you will multiply your sales and in far LESS time when you speak to a hundred people as opposed to selling one on one.
This is a MASSIVE benefit of public speaking – the opportunity to make more sales in one sitting. It’s call leverage. And it can make you a lot of money. Fast.
4. Build Credibility
When you are on stage you become an authority in your field. People look up to you. Their opinion on you changes simply because you are standing on stage. Strange but true!
This credibility will open up more opportunities and earn you more recognition which in turn builds credibility and gets you more opportunities. It’s a winning cycle.
So time to get on it!
5. Make Big Money
I saved the best benefit for public speaking for last.
Public speaking is one of the easiest and best ways to make money. Big money. I’m not suggesting this will happen the first time round (although it can and it does all the time) but if you have researched your market, determined your niche, sent out a compelling message to this market, built a big-pack product and added tonnes of value to it, then why not?
Go On . . . Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway!
So, now you’ve seen the benefits of public speaking, why not go out there and stretch your comfort zone this week?
If you’ve never spoken at an event (but always secretly wanted to), is now the time to book your first one? It doesn’t have to be huge! A few people is as good as start as any. Or if you’ve only ever spoken to smaller audiences, could now be the time to step up to the next level? Or if you’ve spoken to large audiences, what could you do differently that will stretch you this week?
There’s always another step out there. This week could just be the week to take it. I dare you.