One of the easiest ways to get started in your speaking career is to create your own opportunities by hosting an event yourself. Unless event planning is your speciality you’ll probably want to keep things simple at this stage. Why not host a VIP gathering for your clients and their contacts? Giving your event a […]
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Or in other words, Happy Chinese New Year! January 23rd marked the year of the dragon and with the dragon comes lots and lots of babies. Why? Because children born in dragon years are supposed to be particularly lucky. In fact, in previous dragon years, countries like China and Hong Kong […]
How to Fill a Room…
I recently got this comment from an extremely frustrated speaker: “Dear Joey, The more I listen to you talk about how successful your 1-day speaking events are, the more incapable I feel. You get hundreds of people in your room but when I recently ran a preview night for my 1-day workshop only 12 people […]
The Truth About Those New Year Goals . . .
Happy Christmas!!
Happy Christmas! It’s that time of the year when unless we bring ourselves back to the present, it’s easy to get swept away in the busy-ness and the planning of the perfect holiday season. Remember – this is a perfect opportunity to be present to what’s occurring in your life- and grateful. So as you’re […]