Do you currently have a business mentor? You see, I attribute much of my success to my life-long commitment to my own personal development… and to choosing the right business mentors who support me, inspire me and keep me grounded. One of the problems a lot of people face when they’re getting started in their […]
What Makes A Great Business Card?
A great business card is an asset to your business, but it’s difficult to know which details to include. So what makes a great business card? Your business card gets passed to your new contacts as a long term reminder of briefly meeting you in person… are you leaving your prospects with a good impression […]
Does Cash Flow Consistently Into Your Business?
Should You Display Your Prices On Your Website?
If you are like most business owners, this is a question you will ask yourself at least once. Should you attempt to head off time wasters by informing your site visitors of their investment upfront… or is it preferable to tackle the financial stuff only when you’ve had the opportunity to talk with them? Unfortunately, […]
Should You Accept Every Speaking Gig You Are Offered?
Recently these similar two questions have been asked of me by several of my clients… so I thought I’d answer the questions here where you can all benefit from my responses; Question #1: “Jo, I’ve been offered a speaking gig several hours away, should I accept it?” and Question #2: “ I’ve been offered a speaking gig […]
From Frustrated & Struggling – to $30k A Month
….In 90 Days
This extra special call was held on Tuesday 16th, and we have been inundated with requests for the replay….. So…. Here it is! In the call, Taki Moore covers… The Coach Marketing Money Map (how to build a marketing system that brings you leads every week) The secret reasons why you still don’t have enough […]