15 Ways to Increased Motivation!

We all have days where we struggle to stay motivated, especially if you’re working on a large or long-term project. It’s even more depressing, when you really want the goal you’re aiming for… and yet you’re struggling to find the energy to actually do any work towards it! Motivation is like any muscle; it needs […]

Teething, Sleeping and Your Energy Levels!

Recently I made a post on Facebook that seemed to resonate with lots of you! The post was: “It seems that excitement about the day, being in flow, the universe handing you everything you ask on a silver platter… it all crumbles in the face of another sleepless teething night. Arrrrrggggh! Today’s lesson: life starts […]

Five Easy Steps To Minimise The Stress in your Life

Stress gets to us all. Whether it’s work or home-related; it can leave us feeling drained, tired, stuck and unable to move forward. To succeed in both business and life generally, you need to learn both how to minimise the likelihood of being affected by stress AND how you deal with the effects of stress […]

15 Ways to Increased Motivation!

We all have days where we struggle to stay motivated, especially if you’re working on a large or long-term project. It’s even more depressing, when you really want the goal you’re aiming for… and yet you’re struggling to find the energy to actually do any work towards it! Motivation is like any muscle; it needs […]

Boost Your Productivity By Starting Your Day In The Right Way

Do you get halfway through your day and feel as though it is going downhill? Maybe you feel as though your day started badly and just got progressively worse… you’re playing catch up and constantly running behind? You can blame this on those things that have happened during your day, your mood or even your […]

Keep the Focus Short to Get More Things Done

It’s easy to get stuck and de-motivated when you are snowed under with work. There’s a mountain of things that need doing and they are all begging for your attention… and then there’s the family too. How can you keep your focus and motivation high? James is currently teething. Anyone who has had a young […]